Special Education and Student Services » Overview


Supportive Programs and Services for CHSD Students

Mission: It is the Mission of Cambria Heights School District professionals to provide all students 1) A free, appropriate public education (FAPE), 2) Increased access to regular education environments, and 3) Increased access to grade level general education curriculum (Least Restrictive Environment- LRE). The goal of our efforts is to help students become self-determined and have the skills and strategies to transition successfully to their desired post-school outcomes. Federal, state, and Cambria Heights SD policies and procedures guide and ensure supportive programs, services and supports.

One process that guides our supportive programming is the Supplementary Aids and Services Considerations Process. A student profile is developed that identifies a student’s strengths/ interests, known needs and positive accommodations /strategies they have responded to in the past. Profiles of school environments are then developed identifying unique characteristics of each. Analyzing unique characteristics of the student and environment they are learning within, potential barriers to learning and/or functioning are projected. Strategies for each projected barrier are planned for implementation. Intervention plans are then implemented, evaluated at regular intervals, and adjusted as needed to fully support the student and provide the greatest access possible. This process has proven successful at all levels of student support. Please click on the links below for the Guiding Process Document and an Explanation for Parents and Caregivers: 

“Evolution of SaS” to Inclusive Education with Supplementary Aids and Services

Enter your text here...

full continuum of supports and services are provided in our district including: Adaptive Physical Education, Alternative Programming Options, Assistive Technology Consultation & Devices, Autistic Support, Behavioral Health / Drug and Alcohol Assessment, Co-Operative Employment Experiences, Emotional Support, Extended School Year Programming, Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA), Hearing Support, In-School Counseling, Interagency Support, Learning Support, Life-Skills Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, Occupational Therapy, Outside Agency Referral, Paraeducator Support, Psychological Counseling, Physical Support, Physical Therapy, Positive Behavioral Intervention Planning,  Pre-Referral Screening / Assessment / Interventions, School Counseling, School Health, Social Work, Special Transportation, Speech and Language Support, Student Assistance, Supplementary Aids and Services Considerations Process and Planning,  Training & Technical Assistance, Transition Support (To School-Age Programming, From Other PA or Out-of-State Programming & Preparation for Post-School Goals) Vision Support, Vocational & Technical Education, Vocational Work Experience, etc. *This listing is not exhaustive.


For more detailed information about Cambria Heights Programming please see our Annual Public Notice and Supportive Programming Description. Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to contact Building Administrators & School Counselors, the Director of Special Education (Mr. Robert Diamond, (814) 674-3601 ext. 4007 or email Mr. Diamond) or the School Psychologist (Dr. Jill Little, (814) 344-8506 or email Dr. Little) with any questions regarding Supportive Programming for CHSD students.